In this feature, you can find Celine's family tree (only the fathers's side that has the surname DION), beginning in the XVIIth century, and the Dion family story. But, don't forget it is missing a notable part, all the mothers's branches.
On June 12, 1615, Jean Guyon marries Mathurine Robin in Saint-Jean de Mortagne (Perche, France). Mathurine is Mathurin Robin's and Madeleine Demontagne's daughter. Jean Guyon born on September 08, 1592 in Tourouvre, in the former french province of Perche (now it is the french department of Orne (61), in Basse Normandie). He was a mason, as an inscription attests it on the Parish Church of Quebec City:
"…Il a esté nécessaire charroyer la pierre, le bois, la sable, la chaux, la planche … et tous les charrois se sont faitzs par les sieurs … Jean Guyon …" (…It was necessary to carry the stone, the wood, the sand, the lime, the plank … and all the carriages are made by the lords … Jean Guyon …)
They move to Quebec after the birth of their 8th child; they arrive in Quebec on June 04, 1634, and stay in Beauport. They had 9 children : Barbe, Jean, Simon, Marie, Claude, Denis, Michel, Noël and François.
On November 27, 1645, Jean Guyon (son) married Élisabeth Couillard in Quebec City. They had 13 children. The parents of Elisabeth Couillard were Guillaume Couillard and Guillemette Hebert. Guillaume's parents were Guillaume Couillard and Elisabeth DeVesin. Guillemette's parents were Louis Hebert and Marie Rollet (one of the founding families of New France).
On October 11, 1694, Pierre-Paul Guyon gets married with Angélique Testu, in l'Ange-Gardien. Genevieve Rigault, wife of Pierre Testu, was the mother of Angelique Testu.
On February 03, 1722, Louis Guyon or Dion takes as wife Marie-Geneviève Lamarche in L'Islet. With Louis, the surname Guyon becomes Dion; it is the same for Marie-Geneviève, whose surname might have been Gamache according to other documents. We must say that, at the times, many people couldn't read, so everything was transmitted orally, it was easy to make mistakes on the surnames.
On November 22, 1751, Joseph-Joachim Guyon and Marguerite Fournier are married, in Cap Saint-Ignace.
On October 24, 1803, still in Cap Saint-Ignace, Joseph Dion marries Yvonne-Modeste Bernier.
On February 05, 1833, Celine's ancestors then go a bit farther from Quebec City when Joseph Dion marries Julie Chesnel in Rimouski.
On February 05, 1867, a bit more to the east, Joseph-Adélard Dion and Marcelline Létourneau are married in Sainte-Anne-des-Monts.
On October 20, 1893, in the same town, Saint-Anne-des-Monts, Adélard Dion marries Esther Lévesque.
On April 25, 1922, Charles-Édouard Dion marries Ernestine Bariault in Les Méchins.
On June 20, 1945, Adhémar Dion and Thérèse Tanguay are married in Saint-Zéphirin-de-La-Tuque. They had 14 children: Denise (1946), Clément (1947), Claudette (1948), Liette (1950),
Michel (1952), Louise (1953), Jacques (1955), Daniel (1956), Ghislaine (1958), Linda (1959),
Manon (1960), Pauline and Paul (1962) and Céline (1968). Celine's name comes from the song Céline by Hugues Aufray, that her mother Thérèse was listening when she was expecting her.
On December 17, 1994, Céline Dion gets married with René Angélil in The Basilica-Notre-Dame in Montréal.
On January 5, 2000, Céline and René are married again in Las Vegas.
On January 25, 2001, René-Charles born, his name is René like his father and Charles like Celine's paternal grandfather.
For further information, you have to visit this comprehensive website : Celine Dion's Genealogy